Anti-Racism Educational Meeting – June 3rd

When: Wednesday, June 3rd 2020
Time: 8pm
Where: Google Meet

The murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Regis Korchinski, and Tony McDade in North America have attracted worldwide attention. Many non-Black allies are protesting, either physically or digitally. Allies are a valuable part of the community fighting towards Black equality. But many people, also within the Netherlands, are left not knowing how they can contribute to the fight for Black equality, and are unaware of actions they carry out which are problematic or hurtful towards the commuunity they want to help. If you are interested in learning how to be an ally to the Black community (yes, the Netherlands also needs lots of work done!), and becoming actively Anti-Racist, join our next weekly meeting! And also, check the link in our bio for resources such as podcasts, documentaries, articles and more. There will be time for open discussion to talk about the resources offered in the link.

💚💚 The first half of the meeting will be led by Mallika, who will educate us about topics including:

💜 What anti-racism is (and is not).
💜 White privilege: what it is, using it, abolishing it and avoiding white saviourism.
💜 What it means to be an ally.

In the second half of the meeting, there will be time for open discussion. To prepare, we ask you to read any article or watch any video you want from the following sources so that we can talk about them together. Reading one article and watching one video each would be perfect to exchange ideas, but it is also okay if you attend without having done so.


*We won’t tolerate justification for the oppressive actions that have taken place in the United States or towards any form of racial oppression.

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