GFN x QPG: Why anti-racism work is part of queer liberation – August 19th

When: Wednesday, August 19th
Time: 8pm
Where: Google Meet

Many Pride events across the globe were cancelled this summer, but activists have noted that instead of attending the annual demonstrations for queer liberation, many LGBTQIA+ campaigners put their efforts towards the urgent Black Lives Matter demonstrations as a result of increasing racist violence and white supremacy, most notably in the United States.

In this educational event, we will have a group discussion about why anti-racism work is and should always be a part of queer* liberation. We will touch on the history of Pride events and the interconnected history of the Black rights and queer rights movements as well as talking about today’s situation, and how anti-racism work is and can be further embedded in our struggle.

(*and LGBTQIA+ liberation in general)

Note: this will primarily be an educational event, so attendees will be welcome to ask questions and will be given the benefit of the doubt, but no expressly racist, transphobic or homophobic language, questions or statements will be tolerated.


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