GFN Event – Minimizing Your Individual Climate Impact within a Capitalist Society – September 23rd
When: Wednesday, September 23rd
Time: 8pm
It is Groningen’s first Climate Action Fortnight!!
Although the major climate contributors are large companies and industries (such as animal industry🐷, oil, and fast fashion👗), individual choices and lifestyles surrounding sustainable living have recently become “trendy”.
For our weekly meeting we want to deindividualise these individual choices and share with each other how we personally minimize our ecological footprint and how we, as a community can retake power in such difficult climate crisis times.
We acknowledge the strong impact of the previously mentioned industries but we want to share with each other ways in which we f*ck the system by for example dumpster diving, second hand shopping, changing consumption mindsets, mobilizing, community caring etc.
We want to provide a judgement free space in which we can discuss and inspire one another, not shame and guilt someone for making “bad” choices. We all should consider that not everyone is able to (has the resources to) live sustainably. With that being said, see you then!🌻