GFN Weekly Meeting: Labour Day – bread, roses and unions – April 28th
When: Wednesday, April 28th
Time: 8pm
Where: Google Meets (Link posted on Facebook)
This week, we will be learning and discussing Labour Day: the international day of recognizing workers’ rights across the globe, on 1 May.
First of all, Niccolò will give us a bit of background. Niccolò is a student and trade union activist. He was born in Sardinia and is currently based in Milan, Italy, where he’s active in the local students’ union and helps the organising of precarious workers for CGIL, Italy’s biggest trade union. He is currently studying politics at the University of Milan “La Statale”.
Nathalie Schäfer will also talk – Natalie is a Master’s student of Aesthetics at Goethe University, Frankfurt Germany. Since 2015 she has been involved in the GEW, the German trade union for education, she actively participated in the strike of student assistants 2015. Since 2017, she has been on the president of the fzs, the German national students’ union. Since 2018, she has been the spokesperson for the students in the GEW, and representing the students in the main board of the GEW. Nathalie brings an example of organising student assistant workers, to fight together for a student collective bargaining agreement.
Niccolò will give a brief retrospective of the main challenges of organizing workers in 2021, and will try to shed some light on why it is still vital for the fostering of a prosperous community.
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