
Moving Towards Sustainable Anti-Racism – March 22nd

WHEN: Tuesday, March 22nd
TIME: 19:00 – 20:30
WHERE: Online on Microsoft Teams

❗️Groningen Anti-Racism Week Day 6❗️ (online event)

👉What are the common pitfalls when white people try to decolonize their perspectives and practice antiracism? Why do the majority of folks seem to be unable to commit to this work on a long-term basis? What would long-term commitment even look like?

👉In this online event, we will delve into how white supremacy culture purposefully prevents people from practicing sustainable antiracism. We will talk about concepts such as Sense of Urgency, Perfectionism, Right to Comfort, and also about the role which mainstream media plays in keeping the public ignorant and passive.

👉We will also be talking about how to make anti-racism sustainable in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). There is a great need for removal of unequitable systemic barriers that limit and prohibit underrepresented groups from being included in learning environments. Focusing on actions that help students feel included within these environments will directly reflect on the inclusivity within HEI. To help students succeed there needs to be actions that are focused on their development in terms of their wellbeing. Acknowledging and assessing the barriers that limit BIPOC students from being truly included in these spaces is the first step towards creating sustainable anti-racist policies and practices in HEI.

About the speakers:
✨Mallika (she/her) has been a member of the GFN Steering Committee for the past 2 years. She focuses her activism mostly on BIPOC and LGBTQ+ liberation.

✨Walphana (she/her) studied International Communications in Groningen. She is one of the co-founders of SCDAI and she holds the position of research assistany and is part of the supervisory board.

✨Ekin (she/her) is a social anthropologist with a focus on belonging and boundaries in Higher Education. Originally from Turkey, Ekin lived in Germany for a while before moving to NL. She joined SCDAI as a research coordinator in October 2021.

Link to event: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWQ1MDg1NzYtODQyMC00YTcyLTk2NWEtYjE3YzUyYTJlZDhk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22a3b39014-7adc-48fa-a114-37c2434dbd69%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%227d591613-c640-4d3e-98f5-1cd3a02f79ad%22%7d

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