Movie Night!📽 March 15, 2023

🎥GFN is watching Everything Everywhere All at Once🎥

One of the last decade’s most critically acclaimed science fiction films, Everything Everywhere All at Once has been lauded as a “joyously insane ode to life”; “a profound meditation on Asian American nihilism”; and “absurdist comedy at its best”.Join us as we follow Evelyn, a Chinese-American immigrant who is hurled into a quest across the multiverse to save the world with her newfound powers. The film tackles themes such as intergenerational trauma, existentialism, and deeply emphatic love.

Content warnings: trauma, depression, anxiety, grief.
Epilepsy warning: there is a strong strobe event near the end of the film.
Emetophobia warning: several occurrences of vomiting and spitting up.

🎬Join us at 07:30 at Jimmy’s or on Jitsi on Wednesday, the 15th of March!🍿

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