What is the Groningen Feminist Network all about?
Founded in 2016 The Groningen Feminist Network (GFN) was created as a community-led intersectional feminist network of like minded people who try to be inclusive of all gender identities, sexualities, skin colors, religions, ethnicities, education, cultural backgrounds, body-types, class and abilities. We are a revolutionary group fighting for radical social justice and the emancipation of all oppressed groups from the systems of capitalism.
We host bi-weekly events to create a space for discussion, education, and to organize activism against all forms of oppression in Groningen.
The fundamental aim of the GFN is to create a space for activism, discussion to educate, and to organize against injustices and oppression, as well as a communal space for feminists and queer people in Groningen. The realities of being a place of activism, education and discussion mean that we cannot always be a “safe” community space in which no potentially problematic things can be discussed. Instead, we strive to create “accountable” spaces in which we do our best to create an environment of acceptance and safety for each participant.
We hold bi-weekly events for revolutionary feminists to come together to learn and educate each other.
We host informative events, such as:
- Theory Nights, Book Club, Protests
And social events, such as:
- Film Nights, Arts and Crafts and more
Please note that we, GFN members, are workers and students who invest their time in learning about feminist topics, but are not professionals or experts. While we do provide a safe space to learn and grow, we do not accept ignorance and bigotry in our space and encourage everyone to take responsibility to educate themselves further.
The GFN depends on its community participation. Without active membership the Network cannot function. Although we continuously try to adjust and improve our community, it is our voluntary active members who in their participation shape it. If the community or the members feels like we are missing a sub-group, committee, or there is a need for a meeting with a specific topic, they can step up and propose it to the GFN representative and help organize after a discussion. Connected to this, it is important to understand that the GFN is not a service provider members – it has to be a community effort.
The GFN is part of Stichting Inclusive Action North. Our sibling projects include Queer Pride Groningen (QPG) and Asterisk. Furthermore we want active collaboration with other progressive projects and organizations in Groningen. Because of that we are part of activist coalitions and regularly give space for like minded groups to share their knowledge and experience with us at one of our meetings.
What do we stand for?
The GFN understands intersectionality theory to be an important framework and radical black lesbian tradition to understand oppression. Because of this we believe that race, gender, class, and other identities intersect and shape the individuals’ experiences of oppression and inequality.
Before being coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, groups like the Combahee River Collective and individuals like Audrey Lorde understood the reality of
inter-connectivity of struggles. Intersectionality is not a stand in for diversity; we do not claim to be a group that is perfectly diverse at any given time. Instead, we desire to give a safer educational, and communal space for all like minded collectives and individuals.
Marxist Feminism:
The GFN is an Marxist, anti-capitalist organization. We believe capitalism is the main system upholding oppression for all people and recognize the destructive reality of the capitalist system. We understand patriarchy is closely intertwined with capitalism and is sustained by it.
Capitalism dictates the economic realities of our world and therefore shapes the ways of oppression and violence us and millions around the globe face on a daily basis.
A system based on infinite growth and the exploitation of the majority of society is unjust and needs to be dismantled.
Therefore, we advocate for a world of solidarity, shared responsibility and the abolition of capitalist exploitation, particularly of reproductive labor.
LGBTQIA+ Resistance:
LGBTQIA+ people are actively involved in the Groningen Feminist Network. We reject trans exclusionary feminism and embrace queer identities and struggle. The lives of Queer people matter and transphobia and other forms of discrimination based on sexuality and gender identity need to be fought everywhere. The queer liberation movement was built on the legacy and actions of trans people of color and that reality should never be forgotten. Stonewall was a riot!
What are we against?
At GFN, our mission is to foster a vibrant community that embraces diversity in all its facets. We wholeheartedly welcome individuals of every gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, ethnic background, and body type. We firmly believe that our collective strength thrives on the richness of our differences.
As such, we stand firmly against bigotry and ignorance in all its forms. Our events are inclusive spaces where discrimination of any kind is not tolerated.
We firmly stand against:
- Racism
- Zionism
- Sexism
- Ableism
- Imperialism
- Neoliberalism
- Transphobia
- Queerphobia
- Xenophobia
- Fatphobia
… and any other forms of systematic oppression.