
GFN Event – Climate change denial and interest groups – September 30th

Global warming is one the most challenging issues contemporary humankind faces. We need to reduce in half our greenhouse emissions by 2030 and to zero by 2050 to meet the 2ºC of warming settled in the Paris Agreement. To surpass it would imply greater and unhandled impacts. There is scientific consensus about that, and this…


GFN Event – Minimizing Your Individual Climate Impact within a Capitalist Society – September 23rd

It is Groningen’s first Climate Action Fortnight!! Although the major climate contributors are large companies and industries (such as animal industry🐷, oil, and fast fashion👗), individual choices and lifestyles surrounding sustainable living have recently become “trendy”. For our weekly meeting we want to deindividualise these individual choices and share with each other how we personally…


GFN’s Climate Action Chalking Day – September 20th

On September 20th, we will go on a chalking action against climate change. We’ll make a FB/Whatsapp group chat to coordinate the action, but if these platforms are not suitable for you, we can keep in contact via email or phone. If you want to join us, send us a message in any of our…